This post is about the Kiowa Co. Fair in Greensburg, Ks. I was anxious to visit Greensburg. I wondered if I would see any evidence of the horrific tornado disaster that had struck the town in 2007. I discovered that even though five years had past, there are still many visual reminders of the disaster, mostly in the form of barren, concrete foundations.
I arrived at the fairgrounds which didn't amount to much other than a really large, brand new red barn. I was told by a local that the barn had been completely blown away in 2007 and that it had just recently been rebuilt. I noticed that there was a tattered American flag hanging inside, above the show ring(the flag can be seen in the 8th photo down). I was told that the flag had been found in the tornado debris.
The Kiowa Co. Fair is primarily a 4-H fair. They didn't have a carnival, but they did have an ATV Rodeo! Never having attended an ATV rodeo, I pictured cowboys riding 4-wheelers, roping runaway cows. I really had no idea what it was all about. Sadly there was no roping or cows involved, but I stayed and photographed until the last slivers of sunlight were gone. Unfortunately, I had to pack up and hit the road as there has only been one hotel opened in Greensburg since the tornado and it was all booked up for the night. On my way out of town I stopped on a deserted gravel road and made a photograph of a huge cloud formation on the horizon(last photo in this set). It was so incredibly calm and quiet as I stood there with my camera and tripod.